//journal.universitaspertamina.ac.id/jkmd/issue/feed Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media Digital 2024-12-20T08:37:37+00:00 Open Journal Systems //journal.universitaspertamina.ac.id/jkmd/article/view/49 TERTIUS GAUDENS PADA JARINGAN KOMUNIKASI KRIMINAL DI INSTITUSI PEMERINTAH 2024-11-20T04:26:49+00:00 Mohammad Ichlas El Qudsi drmichelqudsi@gmail.com Asyam Ahmad Fatin asthesam@gmail.com <p><em>This research is motivated by the existence of communication networks found in various institutional layers related to various things, for example crime.&nbsp; One of them occurs in government law enforcement institutions such as the police. The aim is to see how networks occur in institutions and which third parties (tertius gaudens) benefit most from this. This research uses quantitative network analysis with data sources from online media as a source of information. Of the 637 news stories, the narratives of 46 actors were found to be involved with 16 actors as tertius gaudens. Actor 16 becomes tertius gaudens because of his important position in this case.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; </em></p> 2024-12-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media Digital //journal.universitaspertamina.ac.id/jkmd/article/view/40 CYBERACTIVISM DAN SIMBOLISME GERAKAN EMPAT JARI PADA PEMILU 2024: ANALISIS PERAN MEDIA SOSIAL DALAM MOBILISASI MASSA 2024-11-07T04:03:57+00:00 Abdul Malik Anwar Hamisi malikgaspol11@gmail.com Erlinda Wijayanti malikgaspol11@gmail.com <p><em>This study examines the phenomenon of cyberactivism through the four-finger movement in the 2024 Indonesian elections. In the 2024 elections, the four-finger symbol emerges as a significant form of political expression, signifying solidarity and resistance against certain candidates and depicting support for others. This research utilizes content analysis and social network analysis methods to reveal how this symbolism is used on social platforms and how it influences the formation of public opinion and election outcomes. The study evaluates the effectiveness of cyberactivism in Indonesian politics, highlighting the use of the four-finger symbol as a visual identification tool that strengthens solidarity and campaign coordination. The conclusions of this study indicate that social media and symbols like the four-finger movement play a critical role in facilitating political action, demonstrating the continuously adapting dynamics of politics to new technologies.</em></p> 2024-12-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media Digital //journal.universitaspertamina.ac.id/jkmd/article/view/33 ANALISIS PENTAD DRAMATISME KONTEN YOUTUBE AHMAD DHANI TENTANG HAK CIPTA DALAM KONFLIK DENGAN ONCE MEKEL 2024-11-25T01:49:10+00:00 Rijanto Witjaksono rijanto.witjaksono@students.paramadina.ac.id Ahmad Setyono ahsetyo89@gmail.com <p><em>This research examines the use of the YouTube account "Ahmad Dhani in the News" as a means of rhetorical communication in the conflict regarding copyright between Ahmad Dhani and Once Mekel. This research mainly analyzes how Ahmad Dhani uses social media to convey persuasive messages, summons, and mediate about the conflict. Apart from that, this research also applies pentad drama studies to understand how drama elements such as actors, action, and setting are used in Dhani's video content to strengthen the narrative and arguments conveyed. The research results show that Dhani strategically utilizes rhetorical techniques to shape public opinion and clarify his position in the conflict, while the dramatic structure in his podcast strengthens the dramatic impression and his role in the narrative. These findings are expected to provide insight into the dynamics of digital communication in copyright conflicts as well as the dramatic strategies used in social media.</em></p> 2024-12-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media Digital //journal.universitaspertamina.ac.id/jkmd/article/view/42 KETERBACAAN ARTIKEL EDUKASI TBC DI WEBSITE KEMENKES RI 2024-11-10T13:30:45+00:00 Muhammad Ilham Tri Setyo ilhamtrisetyo122@gmail.com Sri Wijayanti sri.wijayanti@upj.ac.id <p><em>The purpose of this study is to describe the readability of TB educational articles from the Indonesian Ministry of Health. TB educational articles are an effort to improve health literacy among health workers which is still low. For this reason, the formulation of this research problem is to find out the level of readability of three educational articles on handling tuberculosis disease at www.kemkes.go.id for the 2023 period using the Flesch reading ease formula and the cloze procedure. The concepts used include Shannon and Weaver's information theory, readability theory, and health education articles. This research is a descriptive type of quantitative research. The method used is readability with the Flesch reading ease formula and cloze procedure. Respondents were selected from health workers because they are the parties involved in handling TB disease. The results showed that the readability level of three articles with flesch reading was very difficult, with scores between -49.965 and -17.378. The low readability of the articles is thought to be due to the incompatibility of the reading language with the formula used. In comparison, the level of readability with the cloze procedure shows a very easy category with a score between 665 and 694. This means that the reading is very easy for health workers to understand in general. Some factors affect their readability level, including gender, experience with reading material, and respondents' knowledge of the use of the Indonesian language in reading. </em></p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media Digital //journal.universitaspertamina.ac.id/jkmd/article/view/32 PERANCANGAN KEGIATAN MPLS ONLINE SMK NEGRI 2 PATI MENGGUNAKAN VIRTUAL SET VMIX 2024-11-07T03:57:26+00:00 Rico Ade Diyastama ricoadediyastama12@students.unnes.ac.id Ahmad Fashiha Hastawan ahmad.fashiha@mail.unnes.ac.id Djuniadi djuniadi@mail.unnes.ac.id <p><em>Tulisan ini membahas penggunaan virtual set dalam penyelenggaraan Masa Pengenalan Lingkungan Sekolah (MPLS) di SMK Negeri 2 Pati sebagai respons terhadap pandemi COVID-19. Teknologi virtual set memungkinkan acara dilaksanakan secara virtual dengan cara yang menarik dan efisien, menawarkan pengalaman baru bagi peserta didik baru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode studi kasus, melibatkan observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan virtual set meningkatkan efisiensi produksi, mengurangi kebutuhan ruang fisik, dan memungkinkan eksplorasi kreatif dalam penyajian konten. Namun, tantangan teknis seperti kebutuhan pencahayaan yang tepat dan keterampilan operator yang memadai tetap ada. Implementasi virtual set membuka peluang pengembangan lebih lanjut untuk acara sekolah lainnya, seperti wisuda dan pentas seni. Evaluasi pelaksanaan dan umpan balik sangat penting untuk perbaikan berkelanjutan. Secara keseluruhan, penggunaan virtual set dalam MPLS Virtual di SMK Negeri 2 Pati membuktikan bahwa teknologi dapat menjadi solusi efektif selama pandemi, memberikan pengalaman menarik dan berkesan bagi peserta didik baru, meskipun memerlukan peningkatan kompetensi teknis dan pengelolaan sumber daya untuk keberhasilan jangka panjang.</em></p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media Digital //journal.universitaspertamina.ac.id/jkmd/article/view/46 PENGEMASAN PESAN PARIWISATA BUDAYA PADA AKUN INSTAGRAM @KARISMAEVENTNUSANTARA 2024-12-19T09:02:45+00:00 Safira Rizky Amalia sahirarizuki@gmail.com Algooth Putranto algooth.putranto@upj.ac.id <p><em>Cultural tourism has become a hot topic in raising the issue of cultural preservation amid globalization. The utilization of Instagram to display cultural tourism messages is an effective effort implemented by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy through the @karismaeventnusantara account. So this research has a problem formulation related to how to package cultural tourism messages in event promotion content on the @karismaeventnusantara Instagram account from January to December 2023. To describe the presentation of cultural tourism message packaging designed for each post. The method used is qualitative content analysis with descriptive type. Determination of content as a unit of analysis is limited to the period range during 2023. The results show that message packaging is dominated by informative message forms, reinforced by the theme of traditional events using video reel content forms with the presentation of information and inspiration types. Interestingly, it is not presented in the concept of entertainment but to highlight the cultural message of tradition.</em></p> 2024-12-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media Digital